Request for Application (RFA) Domestic Observation of Somalia’s 2020-2021 Indirect Elections
Description :
Subject: Request for Application (RFA) Number: RFA-BUILD-008
Title: Domestic Observation of Somalia’s 2020-2021 Indirect Elections
RFA Issuance Date: November 15, 2020
Deadline for Questions/Clarifications: November 20, 2020
Closing Date: December 1, 2020
Creative Associates International in Somalia seeks applications from qualified applicants in Somalia to fund a program entitled Domestic Observation of Somalia’s 2020-2021 Indirect Elections eligibility for this award is restricted. See Section C of this RFA for eligibility requirements.
An award will be made to selected responsible applicant(s) whose application(s) best meet the objectives of this funding opportunity and the selection criteria contained herein.
For purposes of the RFA “Grantee” is synonymous with “Recipient”. Eligible organizations interested in submitting an application are encouraged to read this funding opportunity thoroughly to understand the type of program sought, application submission requirements and evaluation process.
To be eligible for award, the applicant must provide all information as required in this RFA and meet eligibility standards in Section C of this RFA. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the entire RFA has been received from the internet in its entirety and Creative bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion process.
The application must be submitted electronically to BUILD’s Grants Department at no later than the deadline stated above. Applicants facing problems with submitting their applications electronically can email the Grants Department to receive additional guidance on alternative means of submission.
Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing to BUILD’s Grants Department at no later than the deadline stated above. Responses to questions received prior to the deadline will be furnished to all potential applicants through an amendment to this notice via e-mail. Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of Creative nor does it commit the Creative to pay for any costs incurred in preparation or submission of comments/suggestions or an application. Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s expense.
Thank you for your interest in this RFA.
Terry Hoverter
Chief of Party
Attachment 1 – Request for Application
Attachment 2 – Application Template
Attachment 3 – Budget Template
Attachment 4 – Certifications, Assurances, and Other Statements of the Recipient and Solicitation Standard Provisions
Attachment 5 – Standard Provisions for non-U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations
Attachment 6 – Standard Provisions for Fixed Amount Awards to Non-Governmental Organizations (USAID only) (for FAAs Only)
Attachment 2 – Technical Application
Attachment 3 – Budget Template
- Program Description
- Purpose
Over the next three to five months, Somalia will hold three electoral events, including:
- Upper House elections currently planned December 1-10, 2020;
- Lower House elections planned for December 10-27, 2020; and
- The selection of parliamentary speakers and President planned for January-February 8, 2021.
To ensure transparency and credibility in the electoral process, states often encourage and allow for domestic observers to participate in the process. Domestic observer groups, unlike international observers, are able to easily train and deploy a large number of observers.
In Somalia, Creative seeks CSOs to identify, train, and deploy election observers in all six states during the upcoming electoral events. Priority will be given to CSOs with a track record in conducting domestic observation and CSOs that demonstrate inclusivity in project implementation. Activities should clearly identify understanding of the entire domestic observation process and include a comprehensive timeline.
- Background
Somalia will be entering a busy electoral period over the next 3-5 months, with legislative and presidential elections expected to be held. However, these elections will not be conducted via the envisaged “one-person-one-vote” elections but instead through a similar indirect voting system utilized in 2016. Under this system, a series of electoral colleges will be established throughout the country that will select the parliamentarians who, in turn, will vote for the president. While Somalis had hoped for a “one-person-one-vote” system, this indirect voting arrangement will allow the polls to take place in a timely manner. However, these indirect elections will test the integrity of the process as the three cycles of upcoming indirect elections take place over the next three months. A robust domestic observation effort is needed to ensure transparency, legitimacy, and credibility.
- Objectives
Projects under this grant supported by BUILD will contribute to a domestic observation effort that will cover all aspects of the electoral cycle, from pre-election through the election day and post-election periods. These efforts will also identify critical issues in the conduct of indirect elections and make recommendations for improving future elections in Somalia. Emphasis will be placed on inclusivity in observers deployed to conduct observation as well as the inclusion of marginalized groups, women, and youth in the electoral process.
Illustrative Activities
Examples of activities supported under any grant(s) awarded under this RFA must include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Identify/recruit at least ten (10) observers in each state, with at least 50% women from each state/multiple clans, with a focus on inclusion of marginalized groups as observers;
- In close collaboration with Creative, develop/adjust methodology to observe indirect elections in Somalia;
- Develop strategies to ensure observation and assessment of political environment and dynamics in the pre, during and post-election phases of the process;
- Develop strategies to understand and assess key dynamics in conduct of process, including, for example, participation of women, youth and minority or marginalized groups, security conditions, political finance, access and role of media, election dispute resolution, etc.;
- Collect data from a range of sources and means including checklists, key informant interviews, media monitoring (broadcast, print and social media);
- Obtain observer accreditation, with support from Creative;
- Conduct/participate in a cascade training program with Creative organizing the first training cascade, with grantees conducting follow on trainings in person in each state;
- Develop a logistics and deployment plan;
- Develop, in close consultations with Creative, reporting timelines and templates;
- Develop mitigation plans in event of delays in the electoral calendar and other risks;
- Develop and commit to a schedule, templates, and timelines with guidance from Creative to avoid partial or incomplete conclusions and assessments by individual observers;
- Participate in training and incorporate government issued social distancing and other measures and materials (PPE, etc.) to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 during the activity implementation; and,
- Develop final summary report on observation findings and coordinate its public release with Creative in coordination with other observer groups.
Please note: Due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Somalia the applicant should incorporate into programs virtual communication capability which may include online communication with BUILD and participants. Activities can be implemented in the traditional fashion, taking into account guidance from local authorities and in coordination with BUILD project security guidelines.
- Authorizing Legislation
Awards are authorized in accordance with Creative Associates International Cooperative Agreement No. AID-623-A-16-00001 with U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
- Award Information
- Estimate of Funds Available and Number of Awards Contemplated
Subject to the availability of funds, Creative plans to issue multiple or a single award(s) under this RFA.
The total estimated amount of funding available under this RFA is up to $30,000 for a single award. The amount of each award is subject to negotiations, and each award amount may or may not fall in the range previously provided. Furthermore, Creative is not obligated to issue awards up to the amount of funding available.
Creative reserves the right to fund one, some, all, or none of the applications submitted.
- Period of Performance
The estimated start date will be upon signature of award, on or about December 20, 2020. The anticipated duration of Creative’s support is up to three months.
- Award Mechanisms
Creative’s final determination on award mechanism will be based on its assessment of an applicant’s risk prior to award. If Creative’s assessment identifies weaknesses or deficiencies that call into question the applicant’s ability to manage an award, Creative may elect to remove the applicant from consideration under this funding opportunity or select a mechanism more appropriate for the applicant’s current capacity.
The most common award mechanisms issued by Creative are fixed amount awards (FAAs) and in-kind awards. Under FAAs, payments are performance based and issued to an awardee after its successful completion of pre-defined programmatic milestones. Under in-kind awards, Creative a) makes payments on behalf of the grantee and/or b) procures/delivers goods and services on behalf of the grantee.
Creative also may elect to issue cost-reimbursable awards (i.e. simplified or standard grants) to grantees in instances where: a) applicants demonstrate sufficient financial management capacity to implement such mechanisms and b) such awards are determined to be appropriate mechanisms for implementing the program description.
- Eligibility Information
- Eligible Applicants
To be eligible for an award under this funding opportunity, an applicant must be any of the following types of organizations:
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Civil Society Organizations
Applications from coalitions or networks of CSOs are also welcome. Any CSO coalition/network applying for funding under this RFA should clearly indicate in its application the CSO that will serve as the legal representative for the coalition/network and sign grant documents should its application be approved for funding.
Individuals and governments are not eligible to apply.
Preference will be given to applicants that engage in local activities to support government accountability, increased participation of women and youth in public life, youth leadership, human rights, civic awareness, and strengthened concepts of citizenship.
Additionally, to be considered for an award, an applicant (including a CSO coalition/network) must:
- Be based in Somalia
- Have a bank account in the name of the applicant
- Be willing to participate in a coordination committee with other partners/awardees on implementation of activities
- Adhere to generally accepted democratic leadership and participation principles, and
- Contribute effectively to and work cooperatively with BUILD/Creative staff and directives.
An applicant must be officially registered and working in compliance with all applicable civil and fiscal regulations, including but not limited to pertinent local laws and status.
- Cost Sharing or Matching
Cost sharing is not required under this funding opportunity.
- Limit on Number of Applications
Each eligible organization may submit only one application. Please note that issuance of this RFA does not in any way obligate Creative to pay for costs incurred by prospective applicants in the preparation and submission of an application.
- Application & Submission Information
- Address to Request Application Package
Any requests regarding this RFA package may be addressed to:
Attention: Grants Department
Email Address:
- Content and Form of Application Submission
Each application must be submitted in two separate parts: a) Technical Application and b) Cost Application. To prepare both parts, applicants must use the templates provided in Attachments 2 and 3, which provide instructions on the required content and format. Applicants not following these instructions are at risk of being considered non-responsive to the requirements of the RFA and eliminated from further consideration. All information must also be submitted in English. If the application is in any other language, it will be considered non-responsive and eliminated from further consideration.
Applicants should retain for their records one (1) copy of the application and all enclosures which accompany it.
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, Creative prefers to receive applications electronically. However, Creative also recognizes that certain limitations related to internet connectivity and/or access to information and communications technologies may prevent certain applicants from submitting in electronic format. Therefore, Creative also accepts hard copy submissions.
- DUNS Number
To receive an award, successful applicants may be required to obtain a valid Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number. If requested by BUILD/Creative to obtain a DUNS number, information regarding registration can be found at the following website:
- Submission Date & Time
Applicants must submit their Technical and Cost Applications prior to the closing date and time listed on the cover page. Applications that are submitted late are at risk of not being considered for review. Late applications are marked as “late”. Creative reserves the right to accept and include late applications in the review and award process only when: a) Creative considers it to be in its best interest and b) applications received on time have not yet been opened and reviewed.
- Funding Restrictions
Construction activities proposed under this RFA are not allowable under this RFA. Furthermore, the following funding restrictions apply to the following grant types:
- Fixed Amount Award Agreement – (1) the duration of a fixed amount award may not exceed three (3) years; and (2) the fixed amount award must not include the purchase of any real property.
- Simplified Grant Agreement – (1) the grant agreement will not exceed $150,000 USD; (2) the grantee will not purchase any goods or services, except as authorized pursuant to 22 CFR 228 or ADS 310 or any applicable waivers, and the grantee will not purchase any single item that has a useful life over one year and a cost of $5,000 or more; (3) all costs under the award are direct, meaning that no indirect costs are allowable.
All costs proposed in an application must be allowable, allocable, and reasonable.
Creative will not reimburse for any costs incurred prior to the signing of a grant agreement.
- Other Submission Requirements
- Format of Submission – The Technical and Cost Applications must be submitted separately if sent via electronic format or packaged separately if delivered in hard copy format.
- Submittal of Applications – The Technical and Cost Applications must be submitted electronically or in hard copy to the e-mail address or address located in ‘1’ above of this Section. Should an applicant experience any difficulties in submitting an application, they should contact Mustaf Warsame, +252 (0) 616912911.
- Questions & Answers – Questions regarding this RFA must be submitted in electronic format or hard copy to the same email/physical address above no later than the due date and time listed on the cover page for clarification questions. There will only be one round of questions and answers throughout the RFA process.
Any information given to a prospective applicant concerning this RFA will be furnished promptly to all other prospective applicants as an amendment to this RFA if that information is necessary in submitting applications or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to any other prospective applicant.
- Application Review Information
- Criteria
Each application received by the RFA closing date will be reviewed against the eligibility criteria outlined in “Section C. Eligibility Information”. Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be considered for award. Eligible applications that are found to be incomplete will be determined nonresponsive and not considered for award.
Eligible, responsive applications will be reviewed in accordance with the technical and cost criteria set forth below. Following this review, Creative may request the apparently successful applicant(s) to submit a revised application and/or responses to clarifying questions by a specified date. Creative reserves the right to award without requesting clarifications or additional detail in an application.
Technical Evaluation Criteria
The technical application will be evaluated against the following criteria:
Technical Approach: 40 points
The applicant’s score on technical approach will be based on the following factors:
- Effective Design Approach – Evaluators will consider approaches that propose cutting-edge yet realistic ideas and practices appropriate for Somalia and seeks to maximize project impact and reach to achieve better solutions to the project goals. For example, use of social media or other online tools that reach Somalis in insecure areas or marginalized groups.
- Evidence Underlying the Problem– Evaluators will measure the strength of the applicant’s ability to explain the issues/problems that the project will address and any data or findings to support the statement.
- Innovative Ideas/ Transformative Potential of Proposed Activities – Evaluators will measure the strength of the activities proposed by the applicant to determine if they are innovative, clearly defined, achievable, and with a clear expected impact.
- Involvement of Key Partners/ Relevance to Program/ and Sustainability – Evaluators will measure the strength of the applicant’s ability to involve key partners at all stages of the project to ensure that activities build key partners’ agency. Evaluators will measure the relevance of the applicant’s stated goals and objectives to the stated goals and objectives of BUILD. Evaluators will determine the strength of the measures proposed by the applicant to ensure sustainability of proposed activities after the period of performance.
- Challenges & Solutions – Evaluators will measure the strength of the applicant’s ability to describe potential implementation challenges and its proposed solutions, including innovative approaches, to overcoming these challenges.
Management & Staffing Plan: 20 Points
Evaluators will measure the strength of the applicant’s ability to describe how its proposed management structure, approach, and systems will be employed to successfully implement activities and ensure program efficiency and effectiveness.
Experience: 20 Points
Evaluators will measure the strength of the applicant’s experience:
- implementing similar projects and
- implementing projects in the geographic areas targeted under this RFA.
Inclusive and Gender-Sensitive Programming: 20 points
Evaluators will measure the degree to which inclusiveness overall and gender sensitivity is incorporated into the applicant’s response. For example, applicants should describe actions the program can take to promote inclusion of various marginalized groups in Somalia, including women’s participation and empowerment, engagement of men and boys in gender sensitization; and treating women as full participants and not solely as beneficiaries.
Cost Evaluation Criteria
Once the technical review of the application(s) is completed, BUILD/Creative will evaluate the Cost Application(s) of the apparently successful applicant(s) for cost reasonableness, allocability, and allowability. Additionally, an apparently successful applicant’s organization must demonstrate adequate financial management capability during a pre-award risk assessment conducted by BUILD/Creative.
Cost Evaluation Criteria
Once the technical review of the application(s) is completed, Creative will evaluate the Cost Application(s) of the apparently successful applicant(s) for cost reasonableness, allocability, and allowability. Additionally, an apparently successful applicant’s organization must demonstrate adequate financial management capability during a pre-award risk assessment conducted by Creative.
- Review and Selection Process
To evaluate the application(s), Creative will establish a Selection Committee (SC) comprised of three members with expertise relevant to the program requirements described in this RFA. Throughout the evaluation process, Creative will take every step to ensure that members of the SC do not have any conflicts of interest or the appearance of such with any organization submitting an application in response to this RFA. An individual shall be considered to have the appearance of a conflict of interest if that individual or that individual’s spouse, partner, child, close friend, or relative works for, is negotiating to work for, and/or has a financial interest (including being an unpaid member of a Board of Directors) in any organization that has submitted an application for review by the SC. Members of the SC shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from any applicant.
The Chief of Party makes the final decision on all awards made under the RFA.
- Award Administration Information
- Award Notices
A Notice of Intent to Award will be provided to the point of contact listed in the application of the apparently successful applicant(s). Please note that such notification does not guarantee an award. An apparently successful applicant must first demonstrate that it possesses or has the ability to obtain the necessary management competence to practice mutually agreed upon methods of accountability for funds and other assets provided. To this end, the applicant may be required to submit additional information about its organization (i.e. Articles of Incorporation or other documentation substantiating the legal character of the applicant or key individuals within its organization) for vetting purposes. Final issuance of an award will be contingent upon the timely receipt of the information requested and the successful completion of Creative’s vetting process/pre-award risk assessment.
- Award Administration
This award will be administered according to the following:
For USAID-funded programs:
- U.S. based NGOs (if applicable) are subject to 2 CFR 200, 2 CFR 700, and ADS 303maa
- Non-U.S. based NGOs are subject to ADS 303mab
- RFAs under which FAAs may be awarded should reference ADS 303saj, Fixed Amount Awards to Non-Governmental Organizations
- Reporting
Reporting requirements (including a reporting schedule) will be provided in the award document. The specific reports required will depend on the award type and project duration; however, examples may include the following:
- Monthly Report(s) including a description of progress made during the reporting period, photos of program activities, challenges encountered during implementation, activities planned for the next reporting period, etc.
- Final Program Report including lessons learned, success stories, a description of the program’s impact vis-à-vis its goal and objectives, etc.
- Financial Reports including planned obligations, actual expenditures, funds remaining, etc. as well as a detailed Final Financial Report.
Please note that issuance of final payment will be contingent upon Creative’s receipt and acceptance of the Final Financial Report and/or Final Program Report. Please note that final payment for Fixed Amount Awards (FAAs) is contingent on the completion of the final milestone and acceptance of its deliverables.
- Marking and Branding
Any grants awarded under this RFA will follow the provisions of the approved Branding and Marking Plan detailed in the Cooperative Agreement between Creative and USAID for the BUILD project, along with any necessary waivers for co-branding and/or co-marking obtained by BUILD/Creative. Branding and marking requirements will be communicated to successful applicants prior to the start of grant implementation.
- Environmental Compliance
1 a) The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, Section 117 requires that the impact of USAID’s activities on the environment be considered and that USAID include environmental sustainability as a central consideration in designing and carrying out its development programs. This mandate is codified in Federal Regulations (22 CFR 216) and in USAID’s Automated Directives
System (ADS) Parts 201.5.10g and 204 (, which, in part, require that the potential environmental impacts of USAID-financed activities are identified prior to a final decision to proceed and that appropriate environmental safeguards are adopted for all activities.
The environmental compliance obligations are further elaborated in the agreement between Creative and client. In the event this clause is applicable, Creative will conduct the due diligence to ensure meeting clients compliance requirements on environmental monitoring and evaluation.
How to apply :
- Contact Information
The applicant(s) may use the following addresses to contact Creative via email regarding this funding opportunity:
Email Address:
- Other Information