Description :
II. Background Information
About MIDA
MIDA, or Migration for Development in Africa, is a programme that seeks to reduce brain drain across Africa after the loss of educated and talented individuals, through the transfer of skills and knowledge. MIDA works with diaspora populations to benefit countries of origin.
MIDA FINNSOM Phase II – Health and Education Project is funded by the Government of Finland, the project aims to facilitate the transfer of skills, competencies and knowledge of qualified Somali expatriates to public institutions in Somalia, with a focus on two sectors, namely health and education. The beneficiary institution Bay Regional Hospital will host the qualified Somali expatriate, and will be responsible to provide a safe and secure work environment. Bay Regional Hospital and the Ministry of Health of South-West State & IOM Somalia MIDA staff will monitor the expatriate while on assignment.
About Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Puntland
Puntland was established in 1998 as an autonomous state in Somalia that autonomously manages its education sector. Through the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) aspires to deliver quality education for all that has six subsectors and two crosscutting areas. The subsectors are Early Childhood Education (ECE), primary education, secondary education, Alternative Basic Education (ABE), Non-formal Education (NFE), Technical Vocational Education, and Training (TVET) and higher education and two crosscutting thematic areas are Education in Emergencies and child protection. The four education sector priorities as identified in the Education Sector Strategic Plan of 2017 – 2021 are as follows:
· Increase access and equity to education opportunities.
· Improve the quality of education and learning outcomes;
· Enhance efficiency of the education system; and
· Strengthen systems and administration.
To ensure the implementation of an education system that has this much complexity in terms of subsectors and issues, it is essential to have the manpower in terms of permanent staff and advisors that have the necessary expertise and experience. Thus, in these terms of reference MOEHE through the support of International Organization for Migration (IOM) is seeking the services of a Formal Technical Education Technical Advisor who will be attached MOEHE’s Department of Formal Education. The Formal Secondary Education Technical Advisor is responsible for providing technical leadership and oversight to the design and implementation of activities to improve educational outcomes for primary and secondary school students in Puntland.
III. Activities / Key Results Expected
Contextual information:
As a member of the Advisory team of MOEHE, the ICT Technical Advisor reports to the Director of the Department of Policy and Planning and has the following job responsibilities:
• Lead the assessment of the teachers’ pedagogical capacity needs at the lower secondary level.
• Design and implement a program that focuses on ICT for teachers.
• Coordinate the development of ICT training modules for respectfully for MOEHE staff, teachers (including teacher training colleges), and students.
• Manage teams of local and international consultants to support the development of training modules and other materials as needed.
• Develop user-friendly materials to help teachers and students apply active classroom methodologies while using existing ICT curriculum materials such as textbooks. This activity will be conducted in close coordination with the Formal Education Director and the other MOEHE Technical Advisors.
• Regularly coordinate with the staff of Policy and Planning Department for improving the intervention design, reviewing results of the deployment of ICT
• Prepare inputs for quarterly progress reports.
• Implement all other activities as assigned by the Director of the Policy and Planning Department or the Director and in compliance MOEHE policy, plans and procedures.
The Technical Advisor works closely under the Director of Policy and Planning of MOEHE and in coordination with other Technical Advisors.
IV. Target Outputs (Measurable Results)
To be specified in the workplan of the MIDA expert.
V: MIDA requirements
Besides the specific outputs mentioned in section IV, MIDA is requiring the following steps/actions to be undertaken throughout the assignment. These are standard requirements for all assignments undertaken through this project:
- Transfer of skills: One of the main responsibilities of the Somali diaspora participant, and one which he/she will be measured against, will be to ensure continuous and systematic transfer of knowledge and skills as related to the assignment. It will have to be agreed with the beneficiary institution which civil servants will have to benefit from this knowledge.
- Work plan: A work plan will have to be developed with the Supervisor during the first week of assignment which will provide clear and time bound activities to successfully implement the outputs of the assignment. This work plan will be shared with the MIDA Project Assistant. This work plan can be revised during the mid-term review to reflect new developments or changes in strategy.
- Mid Term Review: there will be a mid-term review of the assignment between the incumbent and the beneficiary institution to discuss progress of the assignment and feedback on performance.
- Interim and Final Reports: A progress report will be submitted by the incumbent to the Supervisor and to the MIDA Project Assistant. Thereafter a final report will be provided at the end of assignment.
V: Qualifications
Level of Education:
A Master’s degree in Education, Management or ICT
Area of Study:
Years of work experience in what area(s):
5 years in ICT
Languages needed:
English and Somali
General Skills / Other Requirements:
- Excellent program management skills and experience, including policy design, coordination and compliance, identifying mutual solutions across the Puntland educational system
- • Substantive knowledge in at least one key activity areas, such as Educational Technology, Research and Development
- • Strong skills in advising senior staff and supporting teams in order to cultivate a culture of innovation, accountability and ownership
- • Strong communication and diplomatic skills; as well as interpersonal and intercultural competence Technical capacity to work in English and Somali languages, i.e. designing and delivering training in both languages.
VI: Monthly Stipend
The monthly stipend amount will be determined based on Postgraduate degree and years of relevant experience.
VII: Security and insurance modalities
Health insurance, including evacuation due to medical emergency, will be provided by the project. However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are physically well and apt to work in a hardship area in Africa.
Please note that IOM, according to the contract, will not be responsible for the security of the qualified Somali expatriates. The host beneficiary institution will be responsible for the security of the individual.
Before leaving the country of residence and upon arrival in Nairobi or in Somalia, the qualified Somali expatriate will receive a pre-departure briefing including security advice and cultural background.
How to apply :
To apply please send your CV (with two professional references including their email and phone number) and a cover letter by email to
Kindly write: Technical Advisor, IT Technical Advisor / Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Puntland in the subject field of the email when sending the application.
Vacancy is open to Somali Diaspora only
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.